This letter was letter of the week in The Listener 21 October 2023 In Reference to John Bluck talking about The Hikoi of Hope and the Anglican Church. I was part of the Hikoi he refers to and in Auckland was told by a senior member of the clergy that this was the beginning of […]
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What are we trying to do…

We recognise the need for radical change to address inequality, climate change, irrelevant religious leaders, Universal Basic Income and more.We believe that the institutional Religion has largely absented itself from conversations and actions around these issues. We have not given up hope that soulfulness and a sense of the sacred might be rekindled as a force for personal, societal and environmental change, and that women have a special role in showing leadership in this.
Join the conversation...
- Rosemary Neave - Christchurch, Canterbury
- Sande Ramage in Palmerston North Spirited Crone Website Facebook
- More contributors welcome....
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You can engage on the comments to articles and on Facebook and Twitter. We will try and respond. Essentially we are trying to build an online community, but sometimes there will be meetings face to face - watch this space...This is a place to post and discuss, to build online community.
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Touching the Sacred – a job opportunity
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The Need to Rediscover “we”
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Autumn Equinox Celebration + other things from Braided
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Spirituality’s Relevance to Sustainability
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